Monday, September 29, 2014


In a long distance relationship, both parties always have to try and have to put more effort than in a normal relationship. It requires much more attention and creative ideas to keep the distance feel less apparent. and in my case, where Eugene and I spend most of our times on the phone than in person(its sad), we come up with different ways and ideas to express our love and affection. And here's one thing I wanted to share; Be aware, its super cheesy but I came to justify that its super adorable, and everytime we do this, makes me super happy and giggly. Just like any other couple's conversation on the phone, one person says, "I love you", and the other responds, "me too". and here's what we do to keep it more intimate and special between us, the next person say, "me three" and then finally, the last person says, "me four-ever" and then laugh it out. I still have to adjust my volume when I need to do this out in the public, but it's become our Thing that we go a little further than the usual "I love you- me too" saying. When its really hard to say goodbye to your partner on the phone and want to end the phone call on a very happy-giggly note, try something like this to keep the relationship positive and special, even in a difficult circumstance like, long distance relationship. It may not fill up all the gap in a relationship, but it does help to keep both sides feeling loved and cared. 

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