Monday, September 29, 2014

8 Critical Questions to ask yourself

1. What is your Tennis ball?
"You almost have to ask yourself, what do I find myself doing?"
"What you spend time doing can also tell you what you should do. Because sometimes the things we do without thinking really are things we naturally enjoy or are good at." -Gretchen Rubin
"when you're in a bookstore, what section of the store are you drawn to?" -Carol Adrienne

2. What am I doing when I feel most beautiful?

3. What is something you believe that almost nobody agrees with you on?

4. What are your superpowers?
"Unpack the combination of personality traits and aptitudes you bring effortlessly to any situation." - Yamashita

5. So what did you enjoy doing at age 10?

6. What are you willing to try now?
"To launch ourselves anew, we need to get out of our heads, we need to act." "We learn who we are by practice, not in theory, by testing reality." - Herminia Ibarra

7. Looking back on your career, 20 or 30 years from now, what do you want to say you've accomplished?

8. What is your sentence?(Formulating a single sentence that sums up who you are and what, above all, you aim to achieve) If your sentence is a goal not yet achieved, then you also must ask: How might I begin to live up to my own sentence?

하나님의 연필, 하나님이 주신 달란트로 내 주변, 내가 닿을수 있는 영역을 넘어서서 많은 사람들에게 사랑과 기쁨과 도움을 주며 살고싶다.

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