Tuesday, September 9, 2014

piece of advice

Here's a lovely list of helpful tips that seems trivial but can be a life lesson.

* always send a thank you note within 5 days
* never make a big decision late at night, sleep on it.
* always take a photo of your passport before you go on a trip, in case you lose it it's easier to go through the process.
* put a penny in the bottom of your vase, the flowers last longer.
* book flights on tuesdays for cheaper prices!
* when shooting instagram, try multiple angles.
* run a cut avocado under cold water to keep it from browning.
* 68 degrees is the ideal sleeping temperature for deep sleep.
* don't salt your eggs until they're fully cooked.
* put rubbing alcohol on the top of a zit before going to sleep to dry it out.
* microwave a dirty sponge for 30 seconds to kill germs.
* rinse your hair and bod in cold water before ending your shower to prevent dryness.
* freeze an onion for 15 minutes before cutting it to keep you from tearing up.
* save 10% of your pay check!
* try not to eat after 8pm.
* your workout is 20% less effective if you don't stretch after.
* don't take things personal
* hold your toothbrush like you would a pencil, helps from brushing too hard and forces you to spend more time brushing.
* when using public restrooms, the stall closest to the door is usually the cleanest.

source from http://www.designlovefest.com/2014/08/little-life-lessons/#more-35550

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