Wednesday, February 16, 2011

about me

when was the last time i spent fairly good amount of time to think about myself? I don't think I ever did, only times i can remember are those moments in class when teacher asks you to write about yourself and list characteristics of yourself or times when someone wants to get to know you and asks these corny elementary school questions like, what's your favorite color, what's your favorite movie, what's your hobby and such. and those are the times when I go blank, I have no answers for those questions. even here in this blog, for my profile they ask similar questions, i had to think couple days and list my answers, this is ridiculous. So, I decide to take my time for once and answer them, think through about myself. So here I go, i'm just list common questions and write down the answer to the side. this post may take quiet few days because like i said, I don't know about myself very well either.

1. What is my favorite color: Black and White, sometime turquoise
2. Who's is your favorite musician (top10): John Legend, John Mayer, David Choi, AJ Rafael, Jack Johnson, Bruno Mars, NeYo, 4men
3. What do you do when spare time: sleep, online surfing, facebook, kill time in the coffee shop, doodle
4. What is your favorite junk food: Mcdonald's hot and spicy, eegee's ranch fries
5. What your favorite flower: daisy, Baby's Breath(yup thats the name of the flower)
6. What your favorite animal: giraffe, elephant,
7. If you could be an animal what would you be and why: i'll get back to this
8. If you could have superpower, what would it be: mind controlling power
9. You're given a 1 million dollars, where and how would you spend it: Save 50%, spend rest on bringing parents here in America, buy them a retirement house with everything prepared for them to live in and hopefully Travel to Europe if I have money left. white Range rover would be a nice purchase.
10. Have any bad habit: never answer phone calls,
11. List 3 of your best personality:
12. List 3 of your worst personality: jealousy, dried sense of humor, laziness
13. List 1 thing you could change about yourself:
14. If you could name your own fashion style: Classic loose casual meets bohemian style
15. One item you want so bad right now: Hermes wallet, may i add a camera lens
16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Somewhere in East coast happily working as an artist enjoying my unique life with people I love, wish I had made many new artists friends and hopefully a dream boy friend by my side.
17. Whats one thing you don't like about your face: my skin
18. If you could permanently change one thing about yourself on the appearance: my body figure, I'd like to be thinner on the waist down.
19. Religious Background: Christian
20. Perfect Sandwich: Toasted wheat bread, bacon, shredded lettuce, mayo, honey mustard, red onion
21. First love: Summer 2006 after high school graduation, I went to Korea, and met a boy. It was love at first sight:) We only went out for four months total, including three months long distance. Everything about him and us were just perfect, although it didn't last at the end.
22. Longest relationship: one year and a half
23. Heart break: last relationship, he left to go to army, I waited five months, he breaks up with me on the phone. did not see it coming, heart broken for a very long time... maybe even to this day? no one knows.
24. Items that I treasure: mac pro, canon 500D, letters from the past, ring a gift from dad in 2010 valentine's day, photographs from the past
25. Favorite quote: no pain no gain
26. What are you most eager to learn: How to design well, to play guitar
27. Name of best friends: L. Y. Hong, S. Lee, H. Song, H. Kim
28. What do you study: Fine Arts, concentration on Visual Communication
29. List things you are most fearful of: Fear of rejection, Fear of being alone, Fear of giving a public speech, Fear of making mistakes, Fear of hate
30. What makes you happy: Allowance, getting A's in projects, beer time with friends, falling into deep concentration during art work, fitting into smaller clothes, shopping for an item at an amazing sale price, eating without thinking of tomorrow, having no pressure, being loved, getting presents, not having a bad morning

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