Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There are many things I wish I had as a talent. a gift from God. out of oh so many, there is one gift I wish i had more than anything else. it is the gift of singing, a voice. I want to sing well, remember the lyrics, hum the melody and just sing along.. alone or with the crowd. sing to God, rejoice him. Use my voice to touch people, bring joy to others, bring happiness and laughs to them by singing. people with gift in singing really shines through and can influence so many around. I don't have the gift, God hasn't given me that talent, maybe i'm to play the role of listening, giving those who do the encouragement and support. And that what i do, I love listening to music, there are so many talented sing and song writers that aren't recognized in the media who still stands up for themselves and do what they love to do. I admire them. I just spent the whole afternoon listening to these individuals on youtube who does covers of recent songs and sings their own original songs as well. . maybe thats why i'm here complaining that I didn't get the gift of singing and wish i had. okay enough with this and start recalling on the gifts i do have and the talents God gave me. I won't list but I'm sure there's quiet few. right? lol

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