Monday, February 14, 2011

Do you not see me?

I'm sitting behind these windows where you can see through it but on the other side you only see the reflection of yourself. I'm just staring at these people walking by, wondering through the crowd of people finding their ways to class and people chattering, hugging, skateboarding, flipping their hair, and all of a sudden, this girl, girl i know from church, girl just saw few hours ago inside the building walks up to the other side of the wall, i mean the window and looks her own reflection not knowing i'm looking at her on the other side. at first i'm surprised that she'll see me but she does not notice that i'm there and continues to look at her own.. self! what could she be thinking... it amazes me that this could be what the world really is. you think no one knows and no one is watching but somewhere SOMEWHERE someone is watching and knows what you just did. when that girl didn't leave and kept standing in front of that window(she was talking on the phone too) i thought about going out and telling her that i'm behind the window but whats the point of that it'll only make her embarrassing and awkward for both of us. so.. i hesitated but that what if she walks in, then she'll see me sitting there and realize that she made a fool out of herself and feel horrible. so just incase she does walk in, i took out my binder and earphone and pretended like i was concentrating on this .. i don't know .. some reading and did not even realize that she was there. fortunately she didn't come in. but wow that made me anxious too. that also reminded me that sometime, there's point in life when you know about something but its better not to even bring it up. just keep it to myself and act like nothing happened. i wonder if i was in the the shoes of that girl on the other side. i mean like it said, this is life so i'm sure it did happen. i just didn't know about it and no body told me. so what about it? am i gonna act like someone's always watching me from now on and be cautious every single seconds? of course not. you just got to live the life even if someone's watching you. just got to move forward and act like everything okay .. no not act but be cool. why care who sees you and judges you right? for me this has been the hardest. its so hard not to care what others say or see or think. I care about what others thinking of me or other things than what I think. which is terrible. I got to listen to my heart more than hear whats goes on outside because you know its not worth it right? the person who is effected is just me, who enjoys it is just me, who feel it is just me, who will get much out of it is me. so why care what others think. i'm stupid. i wish i write and say things and all that can be just applied to my life. what am i saying, got to go.

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