Sunday, February 20, 2011

His love

All i got to do is seek God, accept his love.
Our greatest work is still a dirty rack compare to the greatness of God
there no work that is needed to gain the love, God has already sent his love, his son, all I have to do, All i have to do is just accept it. Just listen to the soft spoken love that He speaks, just open up my heart let the love pour in to my heart, just take everything he's giving, its free, its God's, its the greatest thing I'll ever attain in my life. God is never disappointed, there is never a mistake. Its not about me trying to be close to God, God's always next to us, he's right there right beside you so no need to work or try to be close to him or be worried that he'll be disappointed and not love me enough, no need to measure, no need to think, just simply accept his love and you'll be with him. Naturally, things will work out naturally after I experience his love and i will only experience it if i accept his never stopping love giving. So just reach out, grab, take the love his handing out to me, the special love he only wish to give to me.

deepest thanks and love to my cousin, heesan.

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