Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's fun and exciting to know new words everyday, why wasn't I this excited to learn new vocabulary during my junior high especially when I was studying for SAT. Anyway, I'm still in the process of learning English (although its been 10 years since I moved to America, I still of myself that I am) and lately it's been fun getting to know the definition of words, I have to read lots of essays for my History of Photography, Contemporary Trend class and since after I started this blog, I want to write well. I always enjoyed writing. Its was like my hidden hobby that i had that I never build upon to be better but I continued to write. although i only wrote in Korean in the past because that has always been my first language and I was much comfortable in writing my thoughts and feeling that way. But at one point I realized that.. you know its been ten years and I still am afraid to write in English and still struggle with writing papers for school so, this blog is not only the way to speak up for myself but in a way of practice, a practice for my english. I know my grammar and spellings and such are terrible sometimes but I try not to let those keep me from writing, I just want to write and practice on my critical thinking and putting all that thoughts into words. Today, while i was reading an essay, i found this quote, "there is something abominable about cameras, because they possess the power to invent many worlds. As an artists who has been lost in this wilderness of mechanical reproduction for many years, i do not know which world to start with. i have seen fellow artists driven to the point of frenzy by photography." by Robert Smithsons, 'Art Through the Camera's Eye", and from that quote I had two words i didn't know the meanings to, Abominable and Frenzy. Actually I've seen the word Frenzy before, there a wine named Frenzy from the wine bar that I go to with my cousin michelle all the time, anyways I didn't know the definition for that word and was never interested, but today I was. I searched for the definition and this was what it meant, Frenzy: a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior. what a charming word! Now it makes sense why that wine was named frenzy :) So this new word that I discovered today made my day. And hopefully this is the beginning for expending my word choices.

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