Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If it's not one thing, it's another...

Seriously, i'm overwhelmed with everything i have to do right now. Art 287 final sculpture and Arh 424 midterm tomorrow plus the VISCOM portfolio that i need to turn in next week. its already wednesday.. I'm sure after next week i'll be able to sleep better and have time to work out again. I realized that I eat to minimize my stress; I mean, I do love to eat but I mean intense eating in calories, sweet and junk when i'm under a lot of pressure and load amount of stress. this is dreadful! I've gained 4 pounds since last week. why is it that when you're in some trouble, everything only gets worse? its like snowball rolling down the hill, trouble builds up, i feel terrible, get lost, gain weight, become hopeless, become anti-social, and finally depression. I'm not talking about major depression but you know.. its always the same cycle every time. I'm gonna have to get through this thought, just work hard, hang in there, hope things will get better and just go with it. That's what i'll do. Okay, today will be a good day! a happy day! crossing my fingers :)

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