Friday, April 15, 2011

6/28/10 from my diary

"i'm getting use to this less attention that i get. I don't need to have my phone 24/7 checking to see if i got a message or look up for friends to call and chat with. sometimes i think of myself to be a loner and anti-social. but seriously this is what i need myself to prepare before next semester starts because, I can't have any distractions such as friends that influence me to slack off with my school work. I'm going to be extremely busy and occupied next semester I know it; and if i continue to be the person i was in the past, i wont be able to achieve the goal that i have in my mind right now. i need to be anti-social, i need to be a loner, i need to be able to do everything on my own and be free of loneliness, maybe i can return to a social life after i get something done, as in raise up my GPA because thats whats making me so stressful these days. making me have less confident even when i meet people, so this would be my first step; getting use to the loneliness, having less people around me, having less attention. so that when time comes and i need to focus and concentrate on my studies, i don't have to worry about pushing people away and making myself feel bad. hopefully it works i know i can't change who i am. but i know i can improve things in me which will help me succeed in the future. lets be smart now. "

[출처] 6/28/10|작성자 inababo011


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