Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Buon Giorno!

cup of cappuccino in the morning, scoop of gelato in the afternoon and a legit italian slice of pizza at night. if only i could do this for the rest of my life without ever worrying about my budget...
but! as i have no other plan to come back here in italy after leaving anytime soon, mind as well do what i want. here i go for another cup of cappuccino.
its so lovely here in Orvieto, I wish i could put the beauty of this town into words. but i don't think words can hold its beauty itself either, perhaps picture could. I'm planning on uploading all the pictures i've taken since I got here, maybe just the ones in Orvieto, I'll be in Rome during the weekend, and those will be separate group of pictures I'll have to blog about. Ciao!

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