Friday, August 1, 2014

Ina “Gadda-Da-Vida” Lee


While she’s fluent in Korean and English, Ina speaks mostly through her design work—and she has a lot of exciting things to say.

Amazingly, Ina didn’t discover her artistic nature until college where she developed a passion for illustration and the chemistry between pen and paper. She’s a huge fan of things that have great visual appeal and if something is adorable, she wants to collect it or share a photo of it.

Exploring art forms, Ina gravitated to design because she had a need for things to be correct, neat, and organized. If a line curves, there has to be a reason. Lines whose edges don’t meet perfectly? Not adorable—they make Ina cringe.

- Here's a quick bio written about me for our new website update by the copywriter, Sean.

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